in the Morvan


Lormes is a little town of 1267 inhabitants located at an elevation of 420 m (1300 ft) in the Massif Morvan in the center of France in Burgundy - Franche-Comté Region and Nièvre department.

The subject of this site is to present you this little town I love. It’s not the official site of Lormes Town.

A walk in Lormes

When you arrive at Lormes, you first see the church. It dominates the town and was built a century ago in the neo-roman style. A bit below, Les Promenades who are called November 11th Walk. It’s a large square surrounded by limes where stands the war memorial.

If you come from the freeway, you arrive at Lormes by Avallon Road, a large avenue which leads you to the Grand’rue (Mainstreet) and downtown. François Mitterrand Square is the economic center of the town where stands once a week the market. You’ll find the City Hall and many shops.

In the Old Castle district, the very small Old Castle Chapel is the older monument of the town.

Making your way towards Château-Chinon you arrive at the Goulot Pond. It’s a very beautiful water plan which attracts tourists. It’s also the town’s symbol. The municipal camping is located besides, the reception-house is the old railway station of the "tacot", the narrow railroad line which linked Corbigny to Saulieu before last war.


Lormes is known since the Middle Ages with the latin name Ulmus. Its name means "the elm" because of elms which were standing on Les Promenades. At that time, there were two castles, belonging one to Nevers and the other one to Château-Chinon. In 1591, the Lormes’s Ladies bravely defended the town against soldiers from Clamecy.

Many inhabitants of Lormes died during World War I. All through the last war, members of the Resistance movement, forming MaquisMaquis : underground movement., fought against Germans who occupied the town. On June 12th, 1944, they attacked german soldiers on the City Hall Square, eight men were shot.

Marshal Vauban was born close to Lormes. He lived under the reign of Louis XIV and modernized almost three hundred fortified places and fitted the Bazoches castel. The world famous painter Camille Corot stayed several times in Lormes at the end of 19th Century. The writer Henri Bachelin and the minister Daniel Vaillant were born in Lormes.

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